Garth and Lynette Piper (BWM)

New Plymouth, New Zealand
Frey family

John and Joanna Frey (ABWE)

Duane and Sin Chee Ott

Duane and Sin Chee Ott 
(Grace Baptist Church)

Kluang, Malaysia
Blazer family

Tim and Andrea Blazer(ABWE)

  Fortaleza, Brazil

Darlene Hull (ABWE) Retired

Darlene served in Peru from 1971 – 2009 


Al Ross (RBM)

Branch, Calhoun Co. and W. Jackson Co. MI

Jan Rosenau (BMM) Retired

 Central African Republic

Baptist Children’s Home was called into existence in 1955 by churches seeking assistance in caring for families and children. BCH, according to the biblical mandate in James 1:27 to “Care for the Fatherless”, answered this call and today cares for more than 800 children in the United States, India, Southeast Asia and Liberia.

Click on the image to visit their website

Dr David E Strope GARBC National Representative

Click on the GARBC image to visit their website

MARBC Executive Ministry Director Doug and Kathy Crawford

MARBC is also known as bridge fellowship

click on the Bridge Fellowship Image to visit their website