Seeker Club is a Bible club for children in 1st through 6th grade That meets on Wednesday nights. Our goal is to teach children about God and the Bible. We want children to know that God loves them so much that the Lord Jesus died on the cross,  and rose from the dead in payment for their sins. Once they accept this, the children will be able to live with Him in Heaven forever. We teach the  children to be knowledgeable about the Bible, and each night we have a Bible story to tell them about God.  We also have Bible drills to teach the children about the scriptures also they  learn memory verses to teach them about God and the Bible. There is time for singing, snacks and prizes. Seeker club starts the first Wednesday of October and ends the last Wednesday of February. We do not meet the Wednesday before Thanksgiving or the Wednesdays of Christmas break

Praise the Lord!  

Last year we have had 4 children ask the Lord for Salvation and make decisions to follow him!

Seekers Club will begin October 2nd, 2024


Seekers Club 2022 – 23

Click on the Images for more information

Vacation Bible School with Uncle Al Ross 2024 Bad News/Good News

Click on the Images for more information

Dear Christian friends, Praise the Lord!  Bronson Schools will be having  release time at our church this year, please pray for this very important ministry.


There is an “open door” in school districts across Michigan. By State law, boys and girls are released from school during class time (with parental permission) to go to a nearby church or facility for “religious instruction”. Our workers hold  classes once a month. In most cases, and in some counties they are reaching children in every school system. Seventy-five percent of the students in some schools are attending. Some reports show that more than half of those attending are not being reached by any church or Sunday School. Many of these boys and girls are being won to Christ – an opportunity we never had in our traditional school visits years ago. Pastors find this program a new outreach for their Sunday Schools. Families are being brought into these churches and to personal faith in Jesus Christ because of the Released Time Bible Classes. Churches are being revitalized as a result. We are thrilled to have a share in such a ministry.



The Bible Story is the “heart” of the program. The stories are chosen from both the Old and New Testaments, with concern for the needs and understanding of the children. The presentation is true to life, faithful to Scripture and backed by RBM Ministries’ commitment to evangelical Christian doctrine. Seasonal lessons are offered in the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter seasons featuring the great patriotic themes of American and the historical events of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection.

Each month the children are given a Bible verse to memorize and apply to their lives. Where facilities and time allow, songs and quizzes are part of the program. The visual aids used by the Bible teachers are designed and constructed in RBM’s art department and shop. We employ artists and craftsmen, in addition to selected volunteer help, to produce materials. These visuals are not available anywhere else. They are correlated to the Bible lessons in a vivid and unforgettable way in the skillful hands of the Bible teachers. An attractive take-home paper climaxes the thrust of each month’s lesson, games and pointed Bible message are used to help crystallize biblical truth.

Al Ross from RBM mission with be leading the Release Time sessions at First Baptist Bronson

Cherished Sisters is organized to glorify God and to be an encouragement to the Ladies of First Baptist Church and to reach out to others with Christ’s love.

It is our desire to grow together in love and obedience to the Word of God. We find in Titus 2 that we are to behave in a holy manner and to be teachers of good things. “That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home…” We desire to look with unity for that Blessed Hope and Glorious Appearing.

